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Path Notre Dame de Speluque


* Park under the bowls court

* Departure : town hall square (direction Chateaudouble)

* After the "Pont de Ratton" bridge, turn on the left side and follow the trackmade of rock and cement

* At the place called "Turquet", take on the left side on a tarred road

* After "la Treille", turn on the left side on a rocky track, direction Notre Dame de Spéluque

* After the chapel follow the track and after the oratory "Saint Hubert", a trail

* Arriving at the place named "Valségure", take the trail on the left that goes down to the valley, cross the river on the bridge and rise straight ahead 

* On the asphalt road , don't go to "centre-ville", at the oratory take the waterway path "Chemin de l'eau" take a break at the belvedere.

* Go down until the Town hall square

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